How to output flipping books in different kinds of sizes?
Some people may face the following problem we raise. If you want to convert a PDF file or Ms Office file to flipping book, but it is quite big so that you need to spend much time in converting it. So someone may ask how I can save my time while converting. Flippingbook3D softwares are professional softwares which allow you to output flipping books in different kinds of sizes. As we all know, if the file is too big, you need much to convert it and of course it's the same in reverse
When you are importing PDF file or Ms Office file, you need to set the page quality of flipping books. There are five different kinds of page qualities of flipping books available to you! If you choose the higher quality, it required the bigger disk space and longer conversion time.
Flipbook series product:
Easily make page-flip book, e-books, publication, digital magazines from PDF files.
PDF to Flippingbook3D for Mac:
Make you easy to turn your PDF files to flash book without anybody help on Mac system.
PDF to Flippingbook3D Professional:
Help you to convert PDF to page flip book with multimedia objects integrated.PDF to Flippingbook Professional for Mac:
Turn your perfect PDF file(s) to digital book with page-flip effect on Mac operate system, you can add many multi-media objects on pages.